Prevention of dental damage through prophylaxis

Dental care & prophylaxis form a very important basis in our dental practice in Munich Waldtrudering! Our trained staff will be happy to carry out regular professional dental cleanings for the best possible oral and gum health.

Through regular further training, our team is always up to date and will be happy to answer all your current questions.

Regular check-ups are important to detect caries and other dental diseases at an early stage and to initiate the appropriate treatment methods.

What we do during a dental prophylaxis session

By a prophylaxis session ("professional tooth cleaning" = PZR) we understand an "all-round cleaning" of the dental apparatus, i.e. (depending on the determined need for treatment) we carry out the following measures:

  • Cleaning of interdental spaces
  • Monitoring of the gum pockets by measurements in order to prevent periodontosis or to initiate treatment if necessary
  • Removal of dark plaque (caused by coffee, tea, nicotine, etc.)
  • Polishing of all teeth
  • Protective varnish (with high-quality fluorides) for all teeth to increase resistance to acids (the teeth are then less susceptible to caries)

Each prophylaxis session is tailored to the individual patient, because each age needs its own strategy and special "tools" for optimal dental care. Thus, caries develops in various places at the corresponding ages. Unfortunately, the "creeping danger" of periodontitis (disease of gums and bone) is still largely unknown.

You should treat your teeth to professional dental cleaning in the dentist's office ("Let the professionals clean...") at least twice a year. With this sensible investment in your health, you can usually avoid major damage over an extended period of time and also save time and money in the long run.